The number one things to remember about a personal brand - is to be personal
Perception is Reality
I use this image on the right when I give presentations about personal branding. In a sense your personal brand effects two main circles - inner and outer. One affects directly while the other indirectly. The perception those two circles make defines the reality of who you are in the minds that watch you. Personal branding all comes down to how you want to be perceived and by whom. The success of a brand is dicated by how many people talk about it - good or bad. Let's work together to make sure it's good.

If you've heard the last name it's probably because you watch ESPN or follow the WNBA. Erica is the younger sister of Nneka and Chiney Ogwumike - two former WNBA first overall picks.
Through my work at Rice University I have been able to collaborate with Erica for over two years in building her personal brand and helping cultivate her message in front of a much larger platform.
Social data over the last 3 campaigns include:
» 367.4K Impressions
» 32.2k Engagements
JoVoni Johnson
Or as we like to call him - JoVo Mojo.
From making it on pages like ESPN and House of Highlights to amassing over 100k Tik Tok followers, 2020 has been the year go going viral for JoVoni Johnson.
Working together since he stepped on campus in the summer of 2019, we've been able to build his personal brand through his social media platforms using proven cross-posting methods for easy consumption.